OnePlus 7 και 7T ενημερώνονται σε Android 12

OnePlus 7 και 7T ενημερώνονται σε Android 12

Το OnePlus 7 και το OnePlus 7T είναι τα επόμενα τηλέφωνα της εταιρείας που αναβαθμίζονται σε Android 12. H έκδοση beta είχε διακοπεί στο παρελθόν αλλά τώρα το Oxygen OS 12 Open Beta 1 είναι και πάλι διαθέσιμο για λήψη.

Η έκδοση beta φέρνει όλες τις νέες δυνατότητες του Android 12 και είναι διαθέσιμη σε οποιονδήποτε διαθέτει smartphone OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7T και OnePlus 7T Pro.

Κάθε χρήστης που εκτελεί το Oxygen OS ή μπορεί να δοκιμάσει την έκδοση beta, αλλά χρειάζεται τουλάχιστον 4 GB δωρεάν αποθηκευτικού χώρου. Αν το επιθυμεί, στη συνέχεια, μπορεί να επιστρέψει στο Android 11.

Το changelog:


  • Newly added Smart Battery Engine, a feature that prolongs your battery life based on smart algorithms and biomimetic self-restoration technology;
  • Redesigns app icons using new materials to give more depth and a greater sense of space and texture to the icons;
  • Revamps the page layout based on the principle of reducing visual noise and optimizes the presentation of text and color to make key information stand out;
  • Optimized desktop icons with improved textures, by using a design inspired by brand-new materials and uniting lights and layers;
  • Optimized spam block rules: Adds a rule for blocking MMS messages.


  • Newly added the HyperBoost end-to-end frame rate stabilizer;
  • Newly added Voice effect preview to allow you to record your voice effect or check your voice effect in real time.

Dark mode

  • Dark mode now supports three adjustable levels, bringing a more personalized and comfortable user experience.


  • New additional style options for Cards, making data contents more visual and easier to read;
  • Newly added access to OnePlus Scout in Shelf, allowing you to search multiple contents on your phone, including Apps, Settings, Media Data, etc.

Work-Life Balance

  • Work-Life Balance feature is now available to all users, allowing you to effortlessly switch between Work and Life mode via quick settings;
  • WLB 2.0 now supports automatic Work/Life mode switching, based on specific locations, Wi-Fi network, and time, also bringing customized App notification profiles according to the personalization.


  • Gallery now allows you to switch between different layouts with a two-finger pinch gesture, intelligently recognizing the best-quality pictures, and cropping the thumbnail based on the content, making the gallery layout more pleasing.

Canvas AOD

  • Canvas AOD brings you new diverse styles of lines and colors, for a more personalized lock screen experience with inspiring visuals;
  • Newly added multiple brushes and strokes and support for color adjustment;
  • Optimized software algorithm and improved face recognition to better identify the features and skin color of different figures.


  • Optimized categorization of functions by grouping them into vision, hearing, interactive actions, and general;
  • TalkBack supports more system apps including Photos, Phone, Mail, and Calendar.
